Scandinavia’s top meeting place for the automotive industry

Welcome to the Auto Trade Fair 2017! This is where the industry’s leading players come together to show off the latest technologies that will help your business evolve to meet today’s needs and those of tomorrow.

Welcome to the Auto Trade Fair 2017! This is where the industry’s leading players come together to show off the latest technologies that will help your business evolve to meet today’s needs and those of tomorrow.

Meet the trade specialists

Nowhere else in Scandinavia will you find so many suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, experts and specialists in the automotive industry’s service and aftermarket assembled in one place.

The exhibitors who take part exhibit and demonstrate the cutting-edge brands of the industry, the latest in spare parts and accessories, repair shop equipment, digitisation, bodywork and paints, tyres and wheels, as well as the relevant support systems for light and heavy vehicles.

The Auto Trade Fair is all about solutions

Digitisation, autonomous vehicles and telematics have now come to the fore as highly topical areas of interest in the industry. Their ascendancy has left its mark on the extensive seminar programme organised by MRF.

You can find more information under program.

Register for your free entry pass today!

Welcome to the Auto Trade Fair 2017!


The Auto Trade Fair: A forum, like No other in Scandinavia, packed with key players in the industry

Programme and activities

Read more about the programs and activities in conjunction with the Auto Trade Fair! Programme

What did the visitors think of the Auto Trade fair 2014?

  • 91% of visitors say they will visit the Auto Trade Fair 2017.
  • 75% of visitors consider the Auto Trade Fair the key industry venue.
  • 96% of visitors would recommend others to attend the event.


See images from the Auto Trade Fair 2014

See images from the Auto Trade Fair 2011



96% of visitors would recommend others to attend the event.

Exhibitors list

The Auto Trade Fair is Scandinavia’s largest venue for the automotive service and aftermarket industry.

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The Auto Trade Fair  2017 will be arranged by FVU (The Association of Garage Equipment Suppliers) and SBF (Association of Swedish Car Parts Wholesalers ) in collaboration with MRF (Motorbranschens The Swedish National Association for Motor Trades & Repairs), MAF (The Swedish Motor Trade Employers’ Association) and SFVF (Sveriges Fordonsverkstäders Förening).

Partners Automässan