Exhibitor list and exhibitor categories

Technological paradigm change within the automotive industry

Technological paradigm change within the automotive industry


Some of the industry’s most important issues revolve around digitisation, autonomous and connected vehicles, as well as the demands developments in these fields will impose on the service market. This will of course be reflected at the Auto Trade Fair 2017.


Together with our partners, we are adding to the scope of the fair’s content by continuing to highlight repair shops and heavy vehicles of the future, ensuring there is a seminar programme that is bang up to date and focusing on training and skills development.

The trade fair will feature the industry’s leading suppliers in the following areas:
  • Vehicle care/chemicals
  • Tyres and wheels
  • Oils and lubricants
  • Body and paintwork
  • Spare parts
  • Accessories
  • Repair shop equipment



Exhibitor list 2017

Check back regularly for updates! Exhibitor list


The Auto Trade Fair  2017 will be arranged by FVU (The Association of Garage Equipment Suppliers) and SBF (Association of Swedish Car Parts Wholesalers ) in collaboration with MRF (Motorbranschens The Swedish National Association for Motor Trades & Repairs), MAF (The Swedish Motor Trade Employers’ Association) and SFVF (Sveriges Fordonsverkstäders Förening).

Partners Automässan