The trends in digitisation have consequences for the service market and will have an impact on future needs in terms of services and skills, as well as, presumably, the structure of the market itself.
“It would be rather odd if in the future a car with individual faults or bugs is forced to attend a repair shop to get its software updated. Already today there are cars that can update themselves just like smartphones, tablets or ordinary PCs,” says Joachim Due-Boje of the MRF’s repair shop section.
He believes the industry is on the brink of major evolution, in terms of both connected vehicles and new powertrains.
“To that should be added a general reduction in service needs, given that fewer and fewer wearing parts will need to be replaced. You can then see that the aftermarket is facing a huge challenge in terms of its present structure. This is something we will pick up on in MRF’s seminars during the Auto Trade Fair,” says Joachim Due-Boje.
MRF will also be organising a Paint and Damage Conference on Saturday 21 January. For its part, MAF, the Swedish Motor Trade Employers’ Association, is organising a programme for upper secondary students on vehicle and transport courses who visit the Auto Trade Fair.
More information on programmes, speakers and activities will be posted regularly on this site.
The Auto Trade Fair 2017 will be arranged by FVU (The Association of Garage Equipment Suppliers) and SBF (Association of Swedish Car Parts Wholesalers ) in collaboration with MRF (Motorbranschens The Swedish National Association for Motor Trades & Repairs), MAF (The Swedish Motor Trade Employers’ Association) and SFVF (Sveriges Fordonsverkstäders Förening).