Welcome to the Auto Trade Fair! This is the place were the industry’s leading players come together to show the latest technologies that will grow your business to meet present and future needs.
Preliminary opening hours
Wednesday 18/1 09.00-17.00
Thursday 19/1 09.00-17.00
Friday 20/1 09.00-17.00
Saturday 21/1 09.00-15.00
Do you arrive by foot or by public transportation, use the Swedish Exhibition Centre’s main entrance. If you park in the parking buidlning, use entrance 2 (opposite Liseberg )
The Auto Trade Fair 2017 will be arranged by FVU (The Association of Garage Equipment Suppliers) and SBF (Association of Swedish Car Parts Wholesalers ) in collaboration with MRF (Motorbranschens The Swedish National Association for Motor Trades & Repairs), MAF (The Swedish Motor Trade Employers’ Association) and SFVF (Sveriges Fordonsverkstäders Förening).